Wild Souls by Photographer Nick Brandt

Re-Post Of StudioVox Crew - May 25th, 2016

Because I love this site and love what they do and are doing with spreading the word around of amazing artist is so many forms I am glad to have the opportunity to be able to re-post there daily post that I get from them straight in to my gmail.  Lucky me and lucky you since now I am posting them here.

No this is not some lame way for me in skating by and taking it easy in creating new post just for my blog here................ or is it.........  OK, maybe a little but really, for at least a couple of weeks now I have been wanting to figure out how to save all the wonderful emails I do get from them on a daily basis and only wish I had been doing it sooner but glad I am doing it now.

So I will probably be posting these past paragraphs for a little bit until I feel it is necessary not to do so and a link to StudioVox's site as you see below.


Wild Souls by Photographer Nick Brandt

The StudioVox Crew
With unwavering patience, observation, and timing, wildlife Photographer, Nick Brandt captures stunning images that convey the powerful and poignant moments of animals in the wild. 
Nick is an English photographer who photographs exclusively in Africa, with one of his goals being to record a last testament to the wild animals before they disappear.
American writer and naturalist Henry Beston, said it best, "We need another and wiser and perhaps a more mystical concept of animals… In a world older and more complete than ours they move finished and complete, gifted with extensions of the senses we have lost or never attained, living by voices we shall never hear. They are not brethren, they are not underlings; they are other nations, caught with ourselves in the net of life and time, fellow prisoners of the splendor and travail of the earth"
Raw, melancholic, and breathtaking, Brandt's photographs capture this and more. 
In September 2010 Brandt and conservationist Richard Bonham founded the Big Life Foundation; A non-profit organization dedicated to the preservation of Africa’s wildlife and ecosystems.
Within just one year of inception, the Big Life Foundation elicited a dramatic reduction in poaching in the ecosystem. Big Life’s teams are now apprehending poachers almost every time they kill, with a number of significant arrests of some of the worst, most prolific long-term poachers in the region have at long last been engineered by Big Life's teams. As a result of these successes, Big Life has been able to quickly send out a strong message that killing wildlife now carries a far greater risk of being arrested.
Big Life Foundation has been able to achieve all this in such a short amount of time because its' leaders live and work on the ground in the project areas, where they are able to stay connected and engaged with the local communities, garnering the critical support necessary to maximize effective, efficient operations. It means that Big Life is always ready to react and respond immediately to ever-changing situations, but always with a view to the long-term sustainability of the projects.


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