
Showing posts from August 28, 2014

Some Of My Favorite Sphere Paintings - ENJOY!

Wondering, wondering, wondering what to post today and as I started to browse my files (of course starting at #1) I came across some old favorites. OK, they aren't that old but they are all sold and there is no reason why you can't enjoy there loveliness.  Boy did I have fun creating these.  Endless possibilities!!!  Wouldn't you say?!?! ENJOY! 14.030811  76.042011  77.042011  100.042511  105.106.050311  114.115.051911  116.051611Panel123  117.117B.051911  134.122410  144.122410  151.152.122710  163.164.010111  163.010611  166.167.010811  168.169.010911