
Showing posts from November 8, 2016

On November 8th, 2008 My Life Changed Forever - Commemorating The Passing Of My Beloved Lover Bug Jacksie

I write this post because it is a very personal one for me after realizing about a week and a half ago that not only is November 8th, 2016 Election Day, it is also the 8th anniversary of the passing of a most beloved creature of mine and the day I started on an artistic journey that would change my life in so many ways and how I have become the artist I am proud to be today. I am going to be honest with you about something. Something I don't share with anyone accept a few close friends. On October 19th I suffered from an emotional collapse and was admitted to a hospital with Major Depression Disorder. Yea, there were officers that came knocking at my door because a friend of mine thought I was going to kill myself and he was right. I had the knife ready to go, ready to cut. I know that some people can't understand how that could even be possible but it was. At that time I apparently had three Major Stressors (believe me I had no idea what was going on but I kept breaking d...