AMC's Show Mad Men Black & White Painting For Sale
My fabulous painting I created for the AMC show Mad Men! I realized I had put this on my google page but not here. I was convo'd on line, in one of my shops I sold my work on, to see if I could get this particular painting to them within 48 hours by way of using there FedEx account. It was going to the L.A. area and I replied back that the listing they were inquiring about is a custom commissioned piece. I knew that it is made of gouache and ink on Strathmore's mixed media paper and that it would dry quickly and that I could create it that night and let it dry and spray it with it's archival coating so I said yes, I could do that. After it was purchased I asked which show this was for. I have had two other paintings on two other tv shows so it wasn't like it was any big deal. She replied back saying that legally she couldn't specifically say which show but it takes place in New York in the 1960's in the advertising world. ...