
Showing posts from February 6, 2017

Painted Faces That Tell A Story by Artist Isamaya Ffrench -- (Trust Me On This, You Really Have To See These!)

Totally my bad for being so neglectful these past couple of months on my post but can you blame me!!!!  I mean come on!  It feels as if mine, ours your every ones with any kind of intelligence has had a sort of the equivalent of a volatile, vomiting upheaval.  Don't you think? Re-Post Of StudioVox Crew - November 8th, 2016 Because I love this site and love what they do and are doing with spreading the word around of amazing artist in so many forms I am glad to have the opportunity to be able to re-post there daily post that I get from them straight in to my gmail.  Lucky me and lucky you since now I am posting them here. No this is not some lame way for me in skating by and taking it easy in creating new post just for my blog here................ or is it.........  OK, maybe a little but really, for at least a couple of weeks now I have been wanting to figure out how to save all the wonderful emails I do get from them on a daily basis and only wish I had been doing it so