Couldn't come up with anything clever to post so I searched. Where is that spark. My other blog, is that where. Hhmmm. Just checked it and saw from this one This is what I wrote on February 8th, 2014 SPLICE A MONKEY Just Like The Original 10,000 Pieces there would be some days where I could only create 1 piece due to any of the follow reasons such as migraines, seizures, eeexxxtttrrreeemmmeee fatigue to the point your brain is shutting your body down within seconds (what else?) loss of equilibrium, short term memory problems (where was I), confusion, disorientation,increased tinnitus to the point it drowns out everything, (what is that? I can't hear you) etc., etc., etc. Today I knew I had to look for a painting I had done on this day, whether it was from the original 10,000 pieces or something since then, and my mind new that my brain was still tired...
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