More Work, Work, Work, Work, Work, Work, Work, Work, Work,

(I am such a slave driver, I know, and it is only January 1st)

Ever since early November I have let myself become strayed away by reading all sorts of online articles about as much as could get my hands on and digest about the election and all the layers of different factions and stories that have been coming forward.  A world that I never thought I would ever be immersed in to.  MY BAD!

Back to work says I and what my job really is.  Making my art and sharing it with YOU!!

Stay focus I must  (ok that line sounded a little like Yoda but who can blame me since I watched the original Star Wars last night,  Carrie Fisher will be greatly missed says Yoda).

So here are some more lovelies just recently published on FAA

And more sponsored pages as well


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