5 Artists You Should Know

Re-Post Of StudioVox Crew - July 1st, 2016

Because I love this site and love what they do and are doing with spreading the word around of amazing artist is so many forms I am glad to have the opportunity to be able to re-post there daily post that I get from them straight in to my gmail.  Lucky me and lucky you since now I am posting them here.

No this is not some lame way for me in skating by and taking it easy in creating new post just for my blog here................ or is it.........  OK, maybe a little but really, for at least a couple of weeks now I have been wanting to figure out how to save all the wonderful emails I do get from them on a daily basis and only wish I had been doing it sooner but glad I am doing it now.

So I will probably be posting these past paragraphs for a little bit until I feel it is necessary not to do so and a link to StudioVox's site as you see below.

The StudioVox Crew
Art by Maren Koenig
Each week, StudioVox selects 5 artists, photographers, illustrators or designers from our community whose work inspires us creatively. Whether for its beauty, humor, detail, or the story behind the workStudioVox features artists we love that we think you'll enjoy too.
Our 5 talented artists this week have generous creative spirits and are openly sharing the beauty of their drawings and illustrations with us. Some are showcasing concept sketches in their Studiovoxportfolios sharing their creative process with us visually. Others giving us insight into who they and their journey that makes their work unique. 
Seeing and hearing about their patient steps as artists makes us each a little more brave and wise as we learn from their experience. These artists all have a unique style that makes their work memorable, distinct and beautiful.

Artist - Forrest Hills, New York
Artist Valerie Joy Lauria began drawing and developing a love for the craft at an early age.  She went on to the Art Students League in New York, during the 1980's on scholarships, where she tudied drawing and painting. 
illustration by artist Valerie Joy Lauria
Over the years her interests spread to digital photography, small sculptures, and currently, drawing.  “I love fantasy, so everything I do is with humor, whimsy, and is fantastical,” she says.  “I LOVE small detail, so everything I do is pretty small. I can't force the process, it has to come to me.  It is hard for me to do anything that isn't lighthearted.  My high school art teacher told the class that if I tried to draw Dracula, it would come out looking like Snow White!!  LOL.”
illustration by artist Valerie Joy Lauria
“I have a number of interests, including animal advocacy, reading, collecting antique items, classical music and opera, and art. These are all part of my soul.”
You can see more of her work on DeviantArt and StudioVox.  

Artist Melissa McGaughey describes herself as part daydreamer, part gamer and part nerd with a love of art and stories.   Art, spirituality, fantastical realms, human emotion, and bad ass babes have always made up the majority of her daydreams ever since she was small, these themes have appeared over and over again in her art work.
Illustration by artist Melissa McGaughey
She graduated in 2010 from Mercyhurst University with a bachelor's in the Arts and Humanities, a minor in Religious Studies, and a concentration in painting.
She recently, she has begun experimenting in Autodesk Sketchbook. “I hope to continue to hone my skills and eventually save up enough money to purchase a REAL desktop computer complete with Photoshop and Zbrush,” she says.   “But, alas, until then I shall continue with my experiments and hope that you enjoy them!”
Illustration by artist Melissa McGaughey
You can see more of her work on her website and StudioVox.

Artist - Munster, Germany
The work of Artist Maren Koenig is diverse.  She feels equally comfortable creating very dark and melancholic illustrations and just as much as pretty, colorful works.  Shortly after she was born in 1992 her parents moved from Germany to the USA. There, in Maryland, close to Washington DC, I spent my first years.  
Illustration by artist Maren Koenig
In 1999 we moved back to Germany and settled in Münster. I obtained my highschool degree with a focus on art and literature in 2012. Until 2015 I trained at the WAM Medienakademie in Dortmund and graduated in the field of illustration. Since then I am studying art history as well as Dutch language and culture at the University of Münster while additionally working as an illustrator.

Illustration by artist Maren Koenig
“I love art.,” she says.  “Whether it is my own art or seeing the art of others, whether I am creating or consuming. My goal is to learn as much and create as many beautiful things as possible.”
You can see more of her work on her website and StudioVox.


Illustrator - Toronto, Canada
Artist and (soon to be Astrophysicist) Waleed Shahzad was born in Pakistan, raised in Canada … and is fond of noodles. These are the quick facts about him.
Illustration by artist Waleed Shahzad
He has practiced many art styles since he was 8 years old and is now a skilled carpenter. “I find inspiration in theory, philosophy, jazz, and all forms of writing,” he says.  “I am a chronic sketcher and like to try my hand at new ideas."  
Illustration by artist Waleed Shahzad
"I am new to doing painting on photoshop and love all criticisms and ideas to improve my technique. I’ve never worked as a professional artist because I am working on becoming an Astrophysicist … that does cause my art to have cosmic tints.” 
You can see more of his work on StudioVox.

Illustrator - Winter Park, Florida
Yrandiel is a young concept artist who loves making new character designs and putting them in a form of an illustration.  Her real name is Skyler Fenenbock but anywhere on the Internet, she is known as Yrandiel! “You can find her works by searching this name!” she says.
Illustration by artist Yrandiel
What she loves is that, " There are no rules when it comes to art. There is no one way to make art. There are no boundaries. Not even the sky is the limit. As an artist, you make what comes from your heart and your soul."   I would love to be a professional character concept artist and of course, I am still learning! I have SO much to learn, just like anyone else and that's the fun part about art. You're never done. You never settle. It's a never-ending learning experience but an absolutely amazing journey.
Illustration by artist Yrandiel
I am here to share my story and my works with you in hopes of inspiring people! Whether my work motivates you to get up in the morning or just inspires you to keep working on your own kinds of work, I am here for that!”  


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