All Sales From This site and my Weebly site Will Be Donated To My Fundraiser

All Sales From This site and my Weebly site Will Be Donated To My Fundraiser.

Silly me.  I should have thought of this a couple weeks back.  Why didn't I?  Oh yea, thats right.  I have a Brain Injury.  Silly, silly me.

Below is the info from my YouCaring fundraiser front page.


I had tears in my eyes when I saw this site because I felt for the first time since my eviction notice that I might be able to save my home and me in it.
I had an accident over 10 years ago, which caused permanent Brain Injury and since then I lost the very active life I use to have, the job, the ex and the house.  I have been working as hard as I can with my severe limitations but I am one of those people that have fallen through the cracks as far as being able to get the best treatment for my disability.  So I can create my art like crazy and literally have thousands of pieces of original art but fall very short of being able to do the buisness part.

I have had help from one mental health agency and a couple of other resources and I actually started to sell enough money back in March to start to pay my own rent.  It was at this time that I had given a presentation about my story as an artist with a Brain Injury Disability and how I have been trying in so many positive ways to recreate my life with creating my art.
The presentation at the conference went very well and my friend that was there said it seemed as if I had given at least a couple hundred presentations.  I was SO PROUD!
What I did not expect was how exhausting it would be.  It took more then 6 weeks to be able to do more then 2 hours worth of work each day and so I got very behind on orders from my Etsy shop as well as daily maintenance on it and listing.  This was my main source of income.  So in June my shop was suspended.  I had not had a sale since early June so severe lack of money coming in.  I had not been able to pay June's rent but gave a promissory note on June fifteenth to pay $100.00 each week till my rent for June was paid off.  I was hoping that something would come through as in sales from one of the other sites I am on or maybe the loan applications I applied for (even though my credit sucks) or something.  But nothing did.  Well my Brain Injury Advocate was completely unavailable and now we are at July 3rd and getting ready to go for First Thursday and filming with the documentary crew.  A documentary is being made about artist with Brain Injuries and I happen to be one of the featured artist.
I had not seen a return of the  signed promissory note and was expecting it but instead I get an eviction notice posted on my door, with no warning.  I was able to postpone the inevitable breakdown that occurs with my Major Depression Disorder when there is a Major Stressor, like eviction and especially with no where to go.
It was a very good evening because it was fun to get out to First Thursday for the fist time in probably a couple of years.  I used to go all the time but hardly ever and I was so happy to be able to connect once again with something that was part of my routine.
Exhausted on Saturday but expected that but by Sunday I was starting to feel the symptoms come on.  Not being able to get a hold of my Brain Injury Advocate was triggering it as well.  I still tried to function but underneath my skin was the monster trying to take hold.  By Wednesday evening the cops were knocking at my door.
Thursday was court day and I ended up being way over=stimulated and started to have non-epileptic seizures along with the Major Depression Disorder being triggered.  Good thing I had called the local hotline for mental health crisis and a respond team was on there way.  I could barely function and had no idea what happened but apparently I was given an extension of a court date to be this week on Thursday, July 17th, in which I have to come up with close to $2000.00 for two months worth of rent, late fees, court fees, attorney's fees.
Did I mention that Thursday my electricity was shut off and on Friday My computer's harddrive died.
What a week!
I do believe in miracles because I only found this site less then half an hour ago and thought how amazing it would be to get help and support from all the wonderful people on here.  Tears in my eyes now. 
I am enclosing several sites I sell my art on as well as my FB page which has info on it about the documentary by Cheryl Green called "Who Am I To Stop It."  Two are very recent sites to me.
- See more at:
- See more at:


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