
Showing posts from January, 2016

Will Someone Please Stop The Ringing In My Ears!!!!

Oh yea, that's right.  You can't.  Damn tinnitus.  It is glaringly loud.  Must be because I AM WORKING TOO MUCH ON GETTING ALL IMAGES PREPARED FOR....  let the drum roll, COMMERCIAL LICENSING!!  Hip hip hooray!  Up to 1800 images ready.  Yes that number is correct 1800.  For any of you that are new to me and my work, I am highly, higHLY, HIGHLY prolific.  Ta Da! I have been working so hard on getting all my known scanned images, color corrected and sized corrected.  When I say known I guess I mean what I have available to me immediately as in on my current hard drive since I don't have access to the one from my first iMac.  My cute little g4 iMac.  I loved that thing and it worked so hard but I pushed it a little too much and it went kaput on me 5 years ago and in it are some extremely beautiful images from a lot of my work from the original 10,000 pieces and before.  I am going to have to have a Mac doctor go in to the patient and get the necessary information. With th

Falling Down And Going Boom Boom

It's not like I have enough problems with my current Brain Injury but to throw into the mix a recent concussion is starting to be a little much. Here at my desk, crying for most of the day, and not being able to cope with the fact that my symptoms have gotten worse since the accident on Tuesday. I can't come to terms with this because it feels devastatingly overwhelming.  I can't handle the idea of taking steps backwards in my constant striving of moving forwards.  How many steps I don't know but yesterday's little outing did nothing but make me realize that it really is more then my mind can handle.  But nonetheless it is there and how do I find the courage and necessary steps to move forward once again and such a harsh setback????? I don't know this time.  So there it is.  And that is the way it is at this moment.

Happy New Year Everyone And Much Prosperity To Everyone!

What, you mean you actually looked at this post and thought I would write something poignant and poetic.  Nope, not here.  Sorry but I am saving all my good stuff for my book.  hehehehehehehahahaha OK, ok, enough with the whinny face.  I can't stand that.  OK, here is a little bit of eye candy, as if you haven't already had enough.  You are just spoiled little brats always wanting more or maybe, no wait, I take that back.  I was talking about myself! (hehaheha) 1 YEAR, 10,000 PIECES, 1 ARTIST Live Streaming Video 24/7 UN - LIKE No Other